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Welcome to the land of Valleys

Video source @Ankit Bhatia Films 

Since 2019, tourism has expanded to another level. Ladakh has been famous for its valleys and road trips and the roads are so long that it visualising to be never-ending. 
Ladakh was established on 31 October 2019 and it's been a subject of interference between India, Pakistan, China since 1947 but now it's a union territory of India. The most populous town in Ladakh is Leh after it's a Kargil. 
Ladakh has gained its attention because it is covered with valleys and strategic location along crossroads.
It is also known as "Little Tibet" because all its practice and rituals are closely related.


From last years, bergs are melting and climate is semi-arid throughout the year because of that it faces the difficulty like soil dampness and water stress. In the last few years, climatic variations are quite visible in Ladakh. As throughout the year, the temperature of Ladakh differs from 38°C to -27°C.

Flora and Fauna

Due to the climate transition in Ladakh is rich in wildlife because that variety of discrete species are found to have lives like snow leopard, Tibetian wolf and Himalayan brown bear and many little animals also. Vegetation is scanty in Ladakh except for the stream beds and well-cultivated areas.


No matter that Ladakh culture mirrors the Tibetian rituals and culture. Moreover, Ladakhi foods also match Tibetian foods as the main menus are thukpa and tsampa as that of Tibet.
As their festive's are related to Buddhist so the main music involves chanting songs and some sacred texts also and other festivals also.

The bottom line is that Ladakh is a good place which you should have a visit.
